this project series will last the time of a quarantine – 14 days.
every artist has to adopt a self-chosen ‘safety measure’ (a voluntary restriction in her/his approach) from infection to infection, we hope that antibodies can be created to counter the bad virus, so that at the end, some cure might be visible on the horizon …
artist 0 listens: a voice that speaks to her/him, by the phone, or s/he gets infected by a message. artist 0 creates a short text and sends it to artist 1 and artist 2.
both artist 1 and artist 2 each create a sound piece inspired by the text, and both send their tracks to artist 3.
artist 3 creates a more-than-just-remix, then sends this to artist 4.
artist 4 creates a video clip that gets into a dialogue with the remix, and then sends the video-plus-sound to artist 5.
artist 5 creates a literary text, inspired by the film/sound piece, and sends it to artist 6.
artist 6 receives the text and ‘transmutes’ it into a visual work.
artist 0 receives the visual work and reflects – in a short text – on what has happened in-between.
In order to make up for the different time zones, the rule of thumb is: you have 48h to create your piece (antibodies) after infection (after you received the email from the preceding artist(s))