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Meakusma Magazin #7

The Meakusma Magazine is back for the Meakusma Festival and will be available at the festival, printed physical copy, or digital. Shaped by the festival’s program, the magazine offers contributions by Steph Kretowicz, Vittoria de Franchis, Ugnė Matulevičiūtė, Joannie Baumgärnter, Oliver Schweinoch, Hanna Bächer, Michael Leuffen, Carmen Herold, Justin Tripp and Berlin’s Zabriskie Point bookshop. The magazine features in-depth reviews, interviews with Lutto Lento, Blixa Bargeld, and Valentine Magaletti, and think pieces about the state of music in today’s invest company-driven world, the role of Chinese migrants in the history of reggae and dub, and much more.
During the festival, there will be many interviews conducted by Meakusma Magazine editor Wolfgang Brauneis and others, in collaboration with Institut für Betrachtung. You can listen to them online on Studio Néau. They will be archived after.
A print version of the festival program magazine will be available for everyone attending the festival. The local GrenzEcho newspaper will feature a special on the 20th anniversary of Meakusma in their KunstEcho section. A digital version is available here, in German.

Meakusma Magazin #6

The new issue of the Meakusma Magazine features in-depth interviews with Tommi Grönlund of the legendary Finnish Säkhö label, producer and co-founder of the Raster-Noton label Frank Bretschneider, musician and label operator Christophe Heeman, next to theoretical explorations on the conceptualization of experimental and electronic music by Stefan Römer, contributing to the Conceptronica debate, and an investigation of visual artist and musician Jacques Charlier’s work in light of his archival compilation Art In Another Way, in the context of a review of the Berlin exhibition Broken Music Vol2.
Matt McDermott and Justin Tripp have made an extensive selection of highlights from their three years of doing Common Time. Through the Common Time website, they have been highlighting music for a couple of years now, the list in the new magazine digs deep and goes wide.
Detailed reviews of the extensive (c)ovid metamorphosis compilation, initiated and curated by Bernd Herzogenrath with the support of Lasse-Marc Riek, and the new Timekeepers II album by Marcus Schmickler top everything off in style.
Expertly curated by chief editor Wolfgang Brauneis, the new magazine features some very exciting content on some of the topics and artists defining electronic and experimental music today.
The Meakusma Magazine can be acquired for one euro plus shipping costs through our bandcamp page. Alternatively, you can access the digital version for free (here). It is also available at select record shops and other outlets.


Meakusma Magazin #5

The Meakusma Magazine is back for the Meakusma Festival and will be available at the festival, printed physical copy or digital. The magazine boasts more on the ongoing ripple effect caused by Simon Reynolds’ Conceptronica article, interviews with Mark Ernestus, Oren Ambarchi and Julia Eckhardt, a feature on Stanley Todd and many detailed and in-depth reviews.



Meakusma Magazin #4

The fourth edition of the Meakusma Magazine is now available, featuring an interview with Ziggy Devriendt, aka Nosedrip, on his STROOM label and the canonisation of Belgian musical history, a feature on the legendary Belgian Les Disques du Crépuscule label, an interview with Laurine Frost on electric music from Hungary, a reflection on the heated discussion surrounding Simen Reynolds’ Conceptronica article and an Iannis Xenakis obituary, written by the late testcard and Ventil publishing house co-founder Martin Büsser, featured here on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Xenakis’ death. The magazine also, once again, features in-depth reviews of new records, both with new and reissued music. Edited by Wolfgang Brauneis, designed by Meeuw, Meakusma Magazine number 4 will be available at selected shops and records shops or through he Meakusma Bandcamp page for 1 euro plus shipping.



Meakusma Magazin

Releaseabend – Diskussionsabend mit musikalischer Untermalung mit

  • Holger Adam (Redakteur der testcard, Konzertveranstalter)
  • Wolfgang Brauneis (a-Musik,Institut für Betrachtung)
  • Sonia Güttler (Musikerin, Konzertveranstalterin)
  • Philipp Höning (Bildender Künstler, Institut für Betrachtung)


Zu Beginn dieses Jahres entstand im Austausch mit dem Institut für Betrachtung die Idee aus der Zeitschrift, die in den vergangenen zwei Jahren zum Meakusma Festival erschienen ist, ein halbjährliches Magazin werden zu lassen. Gemeinsam mit dem Goethe Institut präsentieren wir nun die erste Ausgabe des neuen Magazins. Wir möchten damit den Austausch zwischen den unterschiedlichen Plattformen, also den musikalischen Darbietungen auf Bühnen und Tonträgern einerseits sowie dem Sprechen und Schreiben darüber andererseits, intensivieren. Gerade in einer Phase, in der Musikjournalismus zu einer prekären Angelegenheit geworden ist, wollen wir versuchen mit der Kombination aus Textproduktion und Veranstaltung ein zeitgemäßes Modell zu etablieren. Eine Ausgabe des Meakusma Magazins beinhaltet jeweils sechs längere Essays sowie sechs ausführliche Rezensionen, die jeweils im Rahmen von Vortrags- und Gesprächsveranstaltungen, samt musikalischer Untermalung, vorgestellt und diskutiert werden.



Goethe Institut Ostbelgien Province de Liège Culture GrenzEcho2

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