Neustrasse 86
4700 Eupen
At the door: 7€
- Lord Tang – (Evangelista, Gigante Sound, Alarm – USA)
- Floris Vanhoof – ((K-RAA-K)³, Shelter Press – BE)
- Records: Tim Berresheim – (New Amerika, Alarm – GER)
Floris Vanhoof is one of Belgium’s most original producers and performers. Ever since his official debut album on Ultra Eczema in 2010, he has earned himself a reputation as a consummate performer, informed by experimental electronic music from past and present. His live shows mix his intense musical vision with a loopy, trancey visual accompaniment which is also manipulated live. He has released another solo album on (K-RAA-K)³ and an acclaimed collaboration with Keith Fullerton Whitman on Sheltered Press. He has also collaborated with Dolphins Into the Future.Vanhoof’s live performances are an experience that touch upon many senses on many different levels and conjure up an intense feeling of undeniable beauty and inspiration.
Tim Berresheim will play records before, between and after. Although mostly known as a visual artist, he also runs the New Amerika label and produces music together with fellow artist Jonathan Meese. At the moment he has an exhibition in the Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen in Düsseldorf called “Auge und Welt” which offers the most comprehensive look at his visual work so far.