Kadah Vresky
They’d already known eachother for a long time, more or less through their respective groups? When, all of a sudden one of them said to another: “Hey! What if we did something together with that other guy! You know what I mean?” The other said: “Oh yeah! A thing taking bits of things and we’d paste other things on top, yeh! You know what I mean!?” And then they went to ask the other guy if he was interested in cutting up things, copying other things and pasting them together with other things? The other guy was really into it. Since then, the three of them have been composing, cutting, playing, pasting, mixing and remixing. All that in joyous, good spirits “nearly always” it depends if the f***in’ computer accepts to keep the data until a disc is cut and if it wouldn’t mind going just a little bit quicker, please Mr. Computer! Pretty please!