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Given the current global coronavirus crisis, the Kinokonzert with Mark Van Hoen and Britton Powell at the Kino Corso in St. Vith, Belgium on April 10th has been cancelled.
For more information on Meakusma events and the possible impact of today’s situation on them, please consult the Meakusma website, Facebook or Instagram pages.
Stay safe!

Brigid Mae Power – Kinto

Due to illness, Brigid Mae Power has unfortunately had to cancel her performance of tonight. We are however delighted to have found the excellent Manolo Cabras and Lynn Cassiers to replace her at short notice. Belgian singer Lynn Cassiers is at home in the European new jazz and improv scene. She has been a part of various contemporary jazz ensembles and bands such as Tape Cuts Tape, together with ex-Deus member Rudy Trouvé and drummer Eric Thielemans. Musically she moves freely between free jazz, pop, rock, noise, film music, folk and ambient. Manolo Cabras is an Italian bass player who has played alongside Belgian jazz legend Toots Tielemans. He has been active in various jazz formations in the Italian, Dutch and Belgian scene since the 1990s. Cassiers and Cabras have been making music together for 20 years. Tonight, they will be presenting their “Kinto” project that bathes songs written by both artists in electronic textures and jazz echoes, tailoring their concert to the context of the event.
Leider musste Brigid Mae Power ihren Auftritt heute Abend krankheitsbedingt absagen. Wir freuen uns aber, mit Manolo Cabras & Lynn Cassiers kurzfristig zwei ausgezeichnete Musiker als Ersatz gefunden zu haben. Die belgische Sängerin ist in der europäischen New Jazz und Impro-Szene zu Hause. Sie spielte in diversen zeitgenössischen Jazz-Ensembles sowie in Bands wie Tape Cuts Tape, mit Ex-dEUS-Mitglied Rudy Trouvé und Drummer Eric Thielemanns. Sie bewegt sich musikalisch zwischen Free Jazz, Pop, Rock, Noise, Filmmusik, Folk und Ambient. Manolo Cabras ist ein italienischer Bassist, der unter anderem mit der belgischen Jazz-Legende Toots Tielemanns musizierte. Er ist seit den 1990er Jahren in zahlreichen Jazz-Formationen in der italienischen, niederländischen und belgischen Szene aktiv. Die beiden Künstler machen bereits seit 20 Jahren gemeinsam Musik. Sie werden ihr Projekt „Kinto“ vorstellen, wobei Songs von beiden Künstlern mit elektronischen Texturen und einem Echo von Jazz versehen werden. Sie spielen ein speziell auf den Kontext des Abends zugeschnittenes Konzert.

Mark Van Hoen & Britton Powell

On April 10th, Mark Van Hoen and Britton Powell will both perform as part of our Kinokonzert series in collaboration with Ars Vitha.
Live performances by Mark Van Hoen are few and far between. His unique take on past musical influences taken to unexpected conclusions makes him one of the most versatile producers to have sprung from 90s electronica. Powell will be performing his new work “If Anything Is” which explores themes of hyper-reality and capitalism by means of a staged mixed-media environment designed for sound and multichannel video.
more info : https://www.meakusma.org/event/mark-van-hoen-britton-powell/

British electronic music artist Mark Van Hoen has released under his own name as well as under his Locust moniker. He has collaborated with many people and continues to do so in projects such as Autocreation, Black Hearted Brother, Scala, Seefeel and the recent and acclaimed Drøne project together with Mike Harding of the Touch record label. His original influences were 70s ambient producers like Brian Eno and Tangerine Dream but he has over the years established himself as a forerunner of glitch, hypnagogic pop and hauntology. Van Hoen’s work is deceptively gentle as it explores the outer reaches of the musical psyche in a dreamlike and often non-confrontational way. Originally linked to the IDM scene of the 90s, he has long surpassed the work typically associated with that era in music.

Britton Powell is an American composer based in Brooklyn. Through electronics, video and percussion, his work explores psycho-acoustic phenomena, minimalism and traditions of non-western music. “If Anything Is” explores an ecstatic exchange of experience in the face of a much-accelerated media and commercial world. A meditation on the intersection of technology, ritual, and urban landscape, the work draws a map through scenes filmed in New York City and points the audience towards the collision at this crossing. Powell has collaborated with Jon Hassell, Matmos, Lucy Railton, Jon Gibson, Huerco S, and many others. He has appeared at venues around the world including the Centre Pompidou (Paris), The Barbican Center (London), Today’s Art Festival (Den Haag), Ultima Festival (Oslo), Unsound Festival (Krakow), The Kitchen (NYC), and The Guggenheim House (Japan).

Mark Van Hoen & Britton Powell // CANCELLED

presented by ArsVitha & meakusma

On April 10th, Mark Van Hoen and Britton Powell will both perform as part of our Kinokonzert series in collaboration with Ars Vitha.
Live performances by Mark Van Hoen are few and far between. His unique take on past musical influences taken to unexpected conclusions makes him one of the most versatile producers to have sprung from 90s electronica. Powell will be performing his new work “If Anything Is” which explores themes of hyper-reality and capitalism by means of a staged mixed-media environment designed for sound and multichannel video.

  • Mark Van Hoen
  • British electronic music artist Mark Van Hoen has released under his own name as well as under his Locust moniker. He has collaborated with many people and continues to do so in projects such as Autocreation, Black Hearted Brother, Scala, Seefeel and the recent and acclaimed Drøne project together with Mike Harding of the Touch record label. His original influences were 70s ambient producers like Brian Eno and Tangerine Dream but he has over the years established himself as a forerunner of glitch, hypnagogic pop and hauntology. Van Hoen’s work is deceptively gentle as it explores the outer reaches of the musical psyche in a dreamlike and often non-confrontational way. Originally linked to the IDM scene of the 90s, he has long surpassed the work typically associated with that era in music.


  • Britton Powell
  • Britton Powell is an American composer based in Brooklyn. Through electronics, video and percussion, his work explores psycho-acoustic phenomena, minimalism and traditions of non-western music. “If Anything Is” explores an ecstatic exchange of experience in the face of a much-accelerated media and commercial world. A meditation on the intersection of technology, ritual, and urban landscape, the work draws a map through scenes filmed in New York City and points the audience towards the collision at this crossing.
    Powell has collaborated with Jon Hassell, Matmos, Lucy Railton, Jon Gibson, Huerco S, and many others. He has appeared at venues around the world including the Centre Pompidou (Paris), The Barbican Center (London), Today’s Art Festival (Den Haag), Ultima Festival (Oslo), Unsound Festival (Krakow), The Kitchen (NYC), and The Guggenheim House (Japan).



    ars Vitha Province-de-Liege

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